"Numbers across the board are up, but most importantly the quality and the acceptance of quality-fit pupils has increased"

Mark Tobin, Marketing Director, Epsom College

Survey of 100 offer holders

No potential can be leveraged without strategy.

Following our first project our relationship commenced in proper with a substantial parent satisfaction survey, asking 17 questions to 100 of the ~300 families offered an 11+ or 13+ place.

A significant amount of data was received, much of it prose, which was collated and analysed.

The output was a 30-page report, distributed to SLT, which went on to inform our content strategy.

Two-year retainer

The report kicked off a two-year retainer and content plan.

This included:

  • The Rest Will Follow, a flagship campaign film
  • The Feel, a series of student-focus stories
  • Let Me Show You Around, a 360-degree, student-led virtual tour
  • Welcome to Epsom, a Headmistress introduction
  • Sports Paint, a photography campaign for large-scale print
  • This Is..., a series of films focusing on individual departments

We've since renewed and extended our retainer for a further two years, continuing our relationship until at least 2025.

The Rest Will Follow

The Feel (Jack)

Let Me Show You Around

Sports Paint

This Is... Music

"The reason the film is successful is that the team at JonesMillbank worked with us over time, really getting to know Epsom College, listening to our market research, and responding to that in a really creative way. They feel like an extension of our team, and the project has been fully collaborative from day one."

Mark Tobin, Marketing Director, Epsom College

How a retainer works

  • We fix our rates for two years
  • We agree an anticipated budget over that period
  • The budget is invoiced in 24 equal instalments
  • Individual projects are quoted and commissioned on an individual basis, with spend logged against a budget tracker
  • Any agreed over-spend still benefits from fixed rates

Benefits to you

  • Cost savings and budget-spreading over 24 months
  • On-tap resource, extending your internal team
  • Access to our ongoing research, insight and expertise
  • Added value and greater impact by working within a planned content strategy

Benefits for us

  • Cashflow security allows us to invest in talent and resource
  • Security of relationship allows us to think long-term
  • Allowed time to truly understand your school, challenges and team, and subsequently build trust and honesty
  • Ability to produce content that has a greater impact

"We're not just endlessly re-briefing; we can set out some key milestones, and it feels like a more mature way of working.

"The retainer works brilliantly as it means we have an agency that gets what we're about and we can hit the ground running and get results that we're both proud of."

Mark Tobin, Marketing Director, Epsom College

Let's talk

Get in touch with Adam, one of our Co-Founders, to schedule a review of your current activity and discuss how we might be able to help.
